Do you Need Hubspot Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Implementation Services & support

You Can Use Hubspot CRM Powered Inbound Sales to Drive Impressive Sales Results

Successful companies today are using the Hubspot Inbound Marketing methodology to generate torrents of highly qualified sales-ready leads.  

Über successful companies are using Customer Relationship Management CRM software from Hubspot to implement Inbound Sales, a sales methodology that fully leverages the power of digital technologies to close deals.  When it comes to CRM software, Hubspot has developed a market leading system.  Our Hubspot CRM setup and CRM implementation services are based on a CRM implementation model which has been tailored specifically to Medium to Large enterprise requirements.

Discover how Hubspot Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can enable your sales force to use Inbound Sales to fully leverage the Inbound Marketing generated leads to close sales-ready leads.

About Hubspot CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Hubspot CRM is a cloud-based CRM software solution.  It is designed to provide a holistic customer relationship, no matter where they start engaging your business from. 

Engage on Social Media - No Problem

This means they can start a conversation with you on Facebook, or any number of other social media channels, such as LinkedIn or Twitter, and you can engage with them directly from within the Hubspot CRM system.  This is a key capability that many other CRM systems lack or which require expensive add-ons.  Unlike other all inclusive CRM software packages, it was purpose built to be easy to use from the ground up, while still providing powerful sales management capabilities.

It's All About the Customer Relationship

CRM from Hubspot comes with comprehensive, yet simple to use, integrated tools to help you develop and maintain top-quality customer relationships. 

Discover how Hubspot Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can enable your sales force to use Inbound Sales to fully leverage the Inbound Marketing generated leads to close sales-ready leads.

Sales Force Automation Experts

CRM implementation companies, such as SAP BW Consulting, Inc., have undergone rigorous Hubspot Partner CRM training and certification, and are required to update it yearly, so you know they always are up-to-date on the latest Hubspot CRM capabilities and best practices.  We are capable and experienced in delivering both B2C CRM implementations and B2B CRM implementations.


Want CRM System Implementation Help Immediately?


Hubspot's CRM has been purpose designed from the ground up to help sales people sell, with little to zero data entry on the part of the sales person.  


What is a Customer Relationship Management System

There are a variety of Customer Relationship Management or CRM systems on the market, and just as many definitions and approaches as to what CRM is.

But if we break it down to the type of business, i.e., B2C or B2B, which means Business to Consumer or Business to Business, then the required functionality becomes a little clearer:  That's why we provide the beginners guide to CRM - to help explain it.  


Within this space, you find CRM examples for managing sales directly, such as selling services, to handling customer complaints and providing outstanding customer service, to providing field service.  

Given the extreme competitiveness of this market, B2B businesses need systems that help them respond to every opportunity quickly, ideally, in under 5 minutes.  Speed is just one element of establishing and maintaining productive customer relations.

CRM Tools Must Be Easy to Use

The Critical Success Factor to a successful CRM system is that it is both easy to use and quickly learned.   If in the past, a CRM system came as an add-on to an ERP system, and was extremely demanding in terms of data entry, today, it is widely recognized that the system must do most of the data entry on an automatic basis.  

It must also provide customer information to the sales person from many sources, as it is needed, across the full customer lifecycle, from multiple sources, including all marketing interactions, all calls that have taken place and from external data sources, such as LinkedIN and many others.

Support for Different Business Development Strategies

Within this context, you find 2 major approaches to sales, either contact level or Account Based Management (ABM).   ABM is also known as Targeted Account Selling (TAS) and means you recognize that there are many contacts both within the target company and as well, influencers (who may or may not be visible to you on social media) who are external to the company but who, nevertheless, must be included in your Sales Execution Strategy.

In a Contact based approach, you are working at the person-to-person level, and though it is relationship based (and there is always a relationship of some sort), you are focused on this one person.   

In either approach, there are an almost unlimited number of 'Sales Strategies', such as the Challenger Sales Model or Consultative Sales model.

Regardless of the approach being taken, the CRM system must support the model, and help the sales and marketing team achieve a high level of sales productivity.  Sales productivity, of course, at the very top level, means hitting a revenue target.  But that is an outcome level metric.  To hit a revenue target, there is always series of actions that must take place in order to generate the sales.  

Sales Pipelines Can Be Very Complex

These usually include a number of website interactions, product demonstrations, sales calls, business cases and other activities.   All of these can usually be thought of as a Sales Funnel and the CRM system can help you measure how well you are doing at each stage of the funnel.  Each of these interactions is an opportunity to improve the customer experience maintain customer loyalty, both before and after the sale.

Want Us To Help You Implement Hubspot CRM? 

As B2B Hubspot Certified CRM implementation consultants, we have developed and refined our own unique Hubspot CRM Implementation Methodology.  

Hubspot Sales Funnel Example A Sales Funnel As Measured by Hubspot CRM and Sales



The B2C market, much like the B2B market, has a Sales Funnel as well, and often requires many of the same steps.  However, it is very often for smaller amounts of money and thus, has to be designed differently.  It often includes very high volumes of smaller sales transactions.

CRM Platforms Incorporate Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Deliver Better Customer Experiences

Consumers are expecting an Amazon experience in this day and age, and your CRM system has to work flawlessly.   This means that in many cases, you've got an online sales system, and CRM is being used to deliver customer service and keep the customer happy, by, for instance, responding to customer complaints or explaining how something about your product works. 

CRM Solution Must Deal With Huge Data Volumes

Artificial intelligence is almost always used to deal with the massive volume of information that this generates, and live chat is virtually always part of the customer experience.  Fortunately, Hubspot's CRM comes with this built in.  You can also create complex behavioral based chat experiences.  By the intelligent use of Snippets, you can also easily use this same system to deliver further product and service information.  

Up-Sells and Cross-Sells

It is also very common in this market space to have a series of up-sells embedded into your sales process.  This is one of the reasons it is critical to keep track of all past customer purchases, which is a key technical capability of your CRM database. As well, it is absolutely critical that within this space, you are actively listening to your customers across social media channels and doing whatever is necessary to keep your customers happy and communicating to the world about their experience with your product.  With an integrated marketing and sales system, such as Hubspot and Salesforce, you monitor multiple channels for any mention of your product or service.

Integrate Amazon Sales with Your CRM Platform

For Amazon sellers, you live and die by customer testimonials, and thus need to solicit those testimonials and as well, work actively to resolve any issues that may arise to keep them positive.  When you integrate your Amazon Sales Channel with your Shopify Store and Hubspot CRM, you have a powerful mechanism to make this happen.  


The Biggest Challenges with Enterprise Resource Planning

As experts with SAP ERP, we know the critical importance of having an integrated sales and marketing system.  It is what makes SAP such a strong system.  However, we almost always find that companies will have many more systems than just SAP, and this often includes other CRM systems, such as Salesforce or Hubspot, to name but 2 common players.

The biggest challenge you find in these environments come down to process management and data quality.  Data quality standards, in particular, means that any CRM system must speak SAPanese perfectly, or there will be no data integration.

SAP is also very demanding in terms of process design, whereas, most Sales people, tend to need a lot more flexibility in their processes. This usually means that SAP CRM is used after the fact to record what happened, versus being the system that makes the sales process happen.  Thus, for many smaller enterprises, a flexible approach is required and that means integrating Hubspot CRM to SAP.  That is easily done today with existing cloud integration system.  This approach is much more likely to get customer data into the system as required.


Hubspot Sales Platform

Previously known as Sidekick, this product actually has many functions, including notifying you when someone has opened your email, or is on your site.  Fully integrated into Hubspot Marketing and Sales, as well as Google Mail and Microsoft 365, it also can automatically create contacts in your system from emails you send.   

Facilitate Mobile Customer Interactions

There is also a mobile version of the tool, as there is for all the Hubspot tools, which is critical given that 80% of the time people are using the system on a mobile


Marketing Campaign Management

While the Hubspot marketing platform comes with a Campaign Management function, as part of the platform, the CRM tool also comes with what a system called sequences, which allows the sales person to execute a one-to-one campaign.  

Much the same as the marketing campaign tool allows you to plan out a series of customer interactions and activities to acquire contacts and drive them through your marketing funnel, the CRM Sequences tool allows you to preplan a series of emails and other tasks and activities to pull people through your sales funnel, and measure every step of the process.


CRM Integration

The Hubspot CRM system is fully integrated with the Hubspot Marketing system.  The Hubspot CRM implementation timeline is very short - you essentially just turn it on versus implementing it.  

It can also be integrated into numerous other 3rd party systems, such as Pandadoc.  There are also a variety of Hubspot APIs, such as the Deals API, that allow you to do a number of functions needed to keep your deals up to date in certain scenarios.

Did You Know Hubspot CRM Starts as Low as ZERO Dollars?

What Are Some of the Key Benefits of Hubspot CRM

  • Drastically reduce data entry into your CRM with automatic logging of emails via Sidekick

  • Automatic company information data - Company records are created automatically and we fill in company size, revenue numbers, location, phone number, etc.

  • Email guessing from Sidekick

  • Email templates, template reporting, and template sharing across the team

  • Prospect data - we have a database of 27 Million + companies that you can filter and add to your CRM

  • Content tracking - upload a presentation or PDF and know when people are visiting those documents and for how long they are

  • Calling from within the CRM and call recording in the contact timelines

  • Smart dialer - create a playlist of contacts you wish to call and have the caller run through those automatically

Hubspot CRM Benefits Summary

While the above list of Hubspot CRM benefits are what we consider key benefits, there are, in fact, many more Hubspot CRM Benefits you should be aware of.

Benefit Explanation How HubSpot's CRM Provides This Benefit
Centralized Data Management All customer information is stored in one place, making it easily accessible and manageable. HubSpot CRM offers a unified contact database where all interactions and data are stored, ensuring that every team member has access to up-to-date customer information.
Enhanced Customer Relationships Improved tracking and understanding of customer interactions and history leads to better relationship management. HubSpot's CRM tracks every interaction with customers, including emails, calls, and meetings, allowing for personalized communication and follow-ups.
Sales Process Automation Automating repetitive tasks saves time and reduces human error. HubSpot provides tools to automate sales processes such as task creation, email workflows, and follow-up reminders, freeing up time for sales teams to focus on high-value activities.
Improved Sales Forecasting Accurate tracking of sales activities and pipelines leads to better forecasting and planning. HubSpot CRM offers robust sales pipeline management and reporting tools that help in predicting future sales and identifying bottlenecks in the process.
Better Team Collaboration Centralized information allows teams to work together more effectively. HubSpot's CRM includes collaboration features such as shared inboxes, team notes, and task assignments, facilitating seamless teamwork.
Enhanced Reporting and Analytics Comprehensive reporting provides insights into sales performance and customer behavior. HubSpot CRM includes customizable dashboards and detailed reporting tools that offer insights into key metrics, helping businesses make data-driven decisions.
Improved Customer Retention Better tracking of customer needs and interactions leads to higher satisfaction and retention rates. HubSpot's CRM allows for detailed tracking of customer journeys and provides tools for personalized follow-up, ensuring customers feel valued and supported.
Scalability The CRM can grow with the business, adapting to increased data and user needs. HubSpot CRM is designed to scale with businesses, offering a range of features and integrations that can be expanded as the business grows.
Integration with Other Tools Seamless integration with other software enhances productivity and data consistency. HubSpot offers extensive integrations with a variety of other business tools including email platforms, social media, and marketing automation tools, ensuring a cohesive tech stack.
Mobile Accessibility Access to CRM data on the go supports remote work and field sales teams. HubSpot CRM provides a mobile app that allows users to access customer data, manage tasks, and track sales activities from anywhere.
Enhanced Marketing Efforts Better alignment of sales and marketing efforts leads to more effective campaigns. HubSpot's CRM integrates with its marketing hub, providing a unified platform for managing both sales and marketing activities, improving lead nurturing and campaign effectiveness.
Lead Management and Scoring Efficient lead tracking and prioritization ensure that the most promising leads are pursued. HubSpot CRM includes lead scoring and management tools that help sales teams prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert, improving sales efficiency.
Customer Feedback and Surveys Collecting and analyzing customer feedback helps improve products and services. HubSpot offers tools for creating and managing customer surveys, allowing businesses to gather and act on valuable feedback.
Cost Efficiency A good CRM can reduce costs associated with customer management and sales processes. HubSpot CRM offers a free tier with extensive features, providing cost-effective solutions for SMBs and reducing the need for multiple software subscriptions.
Regulatory Compliance Ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. HubSpot CRM includes features for data protection and compliance, such as GDPR tools, to help businesses adhere to regulatory requirements.

SAP BW Consulting's Hubspot CRM Implementation Service Package Includes:

  • Initial Platform Audit.

  • Setup Users Roles and Permissions as Well as Sales Teams at Granular Level.

  • Identification and Development of Required Custom Objects, i.e., Insurance Contracts, Equipment Records.

  • Identify and Get Agreement Upon Common Contact Lifecycle Definitions and Configure Those Within the Hubspot System.

  • Identify and Cleanse all Contact, Company, Deals, Custom Objects and Product Data That Needs to Be Migrated.

  • Model Probability Weighted Sales Pipeline(s) in Hubspot Based on Your Requirements.

  • Examine and Fix Existing Forms - Whether You're On Hubspot Marketing or Other Platform.

  • Build Sales Person Specific Views - Make Sure Your Sales Team Has The Visibility It Needs To Achieve Quota.

  • Develop and Build Required Dashboards Using Hubspot's Reporting Tool Add-On and Our Templates.

  • Set Up Sales Leaderboard Templates.

  • Identify Required 3rd Party Integrations, Build Them and Test Them.

  • If You Use Configure, Price and Quote Tools, Such as Pandadoc, Teach You How To Optimize This Capability.

  • Develop and Conduct Customized Hubspot CRM Sales Training For Your Sales Staff. 

  • Implement Proven Best Practice Based SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures).

  • Develop Automated Sales Sequences (workflows) and Show Your Sales Team How to Use Them in Their Daily Work.

  • Set Up Task Lists Using Automation Rules.

  • Help Your Sales Team Set Up and Effectively Use Customizable Sales EMail Templates.

  • Teach Your Sales Team How Measure The Effectiveness of Each Sales Template.

  • Set Up Call Lists and Show Your Team How To Work Them With Maximum Efficiency.

  • Help You Develop and Setup Online Proposals Which Can Be Generated and Sent Directly From Within Hubspot CRM.

  • Set Up Your Product Catalog With Automated Pricing Rules Including Quantity and Value Discount Rules.

  • Implement Workflows For Management Approvals When Deals Exceed Pre-Established Threshold Values.

  • Identify Sales Documents That Can and Should Be Used in The Sales Document Repository.

  • Teach Your Team How to Use Personalization At Scale Using Hubspot Tokens.

  • Ensure Proper Definitions of MQLs, SQLs, and Opportunities Have Been Established and Set Up 'Hand-Off' workflows.

  • Show Your Team How To Put a Lead Back Into a Lead Nurturing Sequence.

  • Get Each Member Setup to Make Phone Calls from Their Device or From their Browser.


SAP BW Consulting Hubspot CRM Service Target Account Selling Setup

In addition to all of the above steps, for companies that use Target Account Selling or TAS, our service includes:

  • Identification of Criteria for Target Accounts and Tagging Those Companies as Target Accounts Within Hubspot CRM

  • Showing Your Team How To Identify Existing Contacts Within Your System Against Different Roles Within Your Target Accounts

  • Development of Messaging Strategies for Both Marketing and Sales

  • How To Use LinkedIN Sales Navigator and LinkedIN Premium to Identify Potential Users Within Target Accounts and Get Them Into Your Hubspot CRM System

  • Setup Up Additional Buyer Roles Within the Hubspot TAS System Where Needed

  • For complex sales, how to setup and use the system to support Virtual Account Teams (this is both a system and management task)

  • Show Your Team How To Use Video Within Their Sales Process Using Vidyard (Integrated With Hubspot)

Additional Specialized Services Available

We often work with fast growing professional services firms, especially SAP Partners, who need additional specialized strategic and technical advice within the areas of NDAs, MSA, PSAs, SOWs and Project Planning.   

This space is characterized by deals that involve multiple System Integrators who often have to bring specialized service providers, i.e., SAP Partners who have a niche in order to meet the often complex requirements of large customers.

In these cases, we offer customized solutions and advisory services that go well beyond the core CRM setup.