Trusted by 170+ Global SAP Partners for Excellence in Training
They Keep Coming Back Day After Day
They say you are defined by the company you keep. As a niche SAP Consultancy with many SAP customer references, we conceptualize, design, develop and deploy educational content (thought leadership) as part of our marketing strategy. With the tracking capabilities of our Hubspot Inbound Marketing Platform, we are able to track which companies visit our website as well as how many unique individuals visit as well as how many pieces of educational content they consume from our website.
All of the SAP Partners shown below have had more than 100 employees consume content from our site. These are SAP testimonials we proud of - the biggest SAP Partners in the world come to us to learn.
#1 SAP Education Provider with 300,000+ Satisfied Customers
More Than 300,000 SAP Customers Have Consumed Content We Have Produced
We love it when our customers find what they need to get maximum value from their SAP investment. That's why we produce educational content that is designed to help them and the consultants they hire. We are experts at what we do and want all SAP customers to be successful.