Business Value Creation and delivery

Want to save 50% on SAP BW Development time?

Want to save 50% on SAP BW Development time? Why not ask about our remote naming convention evaluation service?


Naming Convention Review Offer


Delivered by an Expert SAP Consultant

Good naming conventions are not just important for SAP Business Intelligence Systems; they are essential for efficient SAP Systems, IT Systems, and even Marketing and Sales Systems and collateral.

Customer Value Creation

Naming conventions help to organize and standardize data within a system, making it easier to find and use.  They are key part of the customer life-cycle and help SAP to deliver long-term shareholder value. They also improve communication among team members, reduce errors, and increase productivity.  Ultimately, they help you obtain the expected value from your SAP implementation  while driving down your Total Cost of Ownership.  A well-structured naming convention can save up to 50% of SAP BW development time, significantly reducing costs and improving project timelines. Therefore, investing in a remote naming convention evaluation service delivered by an expert SAP consultant can help your organization optimize its systems and processes, leading to increased efficiency and profitability.


We Deliver SAP BW and SAP Business Objects Consulting Services.

We also Provide IT Services Staffing.


We have deep SAP Consulting experience in identifying and delivering the business benefits of your SAP investment using SAP's value engineering tools and procedures as well as our own proprietary techniques.

Contact us at:

Call: 1-812-340-5581
We are registered in the Federal Central Contractor Registry (CCR)

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