Businessobjects dashboard Uat testing form

Test Your Dashboards

Before Your User Does and Then With Your User.


Dashboard UAT Form
Testing is the key to effective Dashboard User Acceptance.

Test SAP Business Objects Dashboards

CIOs want highly effective dashboards.

Like all software engineering projects, a dashboard project requires careful testing, with a structured, repeatable testing approach being a key to success.  Our SAP BusinessObjects User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Form will guide you through the process.

Test All Dashboard Types Using Our UAT Form


  • Our Dashboard UAT Testing form will test the 4 critical areas of dashboard design and usability.

  • Use this form to quickly build a feedback database in your next RAD cycle.

By filling out our form and downloading the SAP BusinessObjects Dashboard User Acceptance Testing From, you can quickly develop your SAP BusinessObjects Dashboard testing strategy.


Get Dashboard UAT Testing Form