Spot consulting staffing model

Learn the Pro's and Con's of the 9 most common IT Project Staffing Models

SAP BW Staffing Models Comparative Analysis

We have decades of experience managing hundreds of projects.

Evaluate the "Spot Consulting" staffing model

Sometimes, You Just Need 'That One Consultant"

Project Staffing is a Key Consideration every project manager will face on every project.

There are many ways to staff a project and not every type will be a right fit for you, your project or your client organization.

With decades of project management experience over a wide range of industries, we have seen hundreds of project staffing variations under 9 common categories.

We have decided to compile a SAP BW Staffing Models - a Comparative Analysis to help you get started on your next project.


Project Charter

Don't Overlook a Thing

The Spot Consulting Staffing Model! 

  • Model Description
  • Notes
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Assumptions
  • Prerequisites
  • Model Selection Recommendations

Our discussion on this model type covers all the main topics and considerations when using this type of staffing model.

Get The Spot Consulting Staffing Model