Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Mastering Decision Making and Uncertainty: A Leader's Guide

Table of Contents

Decision making and uncertainty are intertwined. From small daily choices to major life decisions, the unknown is always present. This uncertainty can lead to stress and anxiety, particularly when it comes to professional development or lifelong learning.

This blog post explores decision making and uncertainty. We'll examine psychological factors, offer practical strategies, and discuss tools for those using SAP BW to analyze risk and consequences. We'll cover decision making under pressure in the executive suite and provide some practical advice on how to mitigate uncertainty.


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Understanding the Psychology of Uncertainty

Uncertainty triggers psychological responses. This often leads to stress, anxiety, and a feeling of lost control. Our brains crave predictability.


Stress from the unknown can create biases in our thinking. One example is confirmation bias, where we favor information supporting our existing beliefs. This can lead to discounting other valuable perspectives.


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Strategies for Improved Decision Making and Uncertainty

Facing uncertainty means acknowledging it. Developing strategies helps navigate this. Real-world decisions involve ambiguity and varied outcomes, impacting areas like supply chains, overseas travel, and even political climates. Wharton research shows how this affects leadership.


Start with understanding your data. Is it qualitative, quantitative, or a mix? Do you have enough information for analysis?


SAP BW provides tools like descriptive analytics to present available information. Learn how to improve your decision making for better business growth. Consider the importance of data-driven choices.


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Acknowledge and Manage Your Emotional Responses

Stress affects decisions, especially financial ones. Recognize your emotional state. Mindfulness and stress management techniques can help.

Separating feelings from objective analysis is crucial. Address your emotions to reduce their influence on your choices when making decisions.


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Seek Input from Varied Sources, Then Make Decisions Independently

Consider who has valuable insights. Perhaps senior executives or experienced team members can contribute. Frameworks like DACI decision making can help.

DACI clarifies roles and responsibilities. This often leads to faster decisions and fewer roadblocks.


Diverse perspectives enrich understanding. While input is helpful, ownership and accountability remain with you.


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Identifying Uncertainty Levels

Decision making often involves three levels of uncertainty. These include pure uncertainty (no information), probability estimates (incomplete knowledge), and risk (better probability predictions).


Each level requires different approaches. Consider migration decisions. These combine various unknown social and financial aspects.


Assigning likelihoods, values, and potential risks comes after estimation. Sometimes, this is a "best guess" which can be problematic. When uncertain, seek additional information.

If additional information isn't available, you can still proceed. Use estimates, ranges, and probability modeling, considering your domain expertise. SAP's data warehousing capabilities can help inform these estimates.


SAP BW Consulting assists with decision making for optimal business processes.


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Decision Making and Uncertainty with SAP BW

SAP BW (Business Warehouse) offers valuable tools. These tools use past performance data for better decision making.  It also uses real-time data to drive operational decision making.

Scenario Planning and Predictive Analytics

SAP BW's "what-if" analysis helps chart potential paths. Predictive analytics utilizes historical data. This generates likely outcomes based on risk factors.

This data reduces financial uncertainties. This improved decision making helps anticipate market changes, supply issues, and evolving customer preferences.


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Risk Assessment and Quantification

SAP BW allows businesses to identify uncertainties. This applies to current operations or new projects. It helps managers quantify potential impacts.


Determine which uncertainties affect objectives the most. For instance, estimate profit/loss from a delayed new product launch. Quantify supply chain bottlenecks and adjust and reallocate supplies to meet dynamic demand.

FAQs about decision making and uncertainty

What is uncertainty in decision-making?

Uncertainty means not having complete information or knowing exact outcomes. It involves incomplete information and unexpected changes.

What are the five criteria for decision making under uncertainty?

Five common criteria are: Maximin (maximize the minimum outcome), Maximax (maximize the maximum outcome), Minimax Regret (minimize the maximum regret), Hurwicz Criterion (balance optimism and pessimism), and the Principle of Insufficient Reason (equal probability to each outcome).

How to make decisions in the face of uncertainty?

Effective steps include:

  1. Identify the most critical missing information.
  2. Gather the most valuable information and prioritize the missing parts in order of importance.
  3. Fill in those gaps.
  4. Generate potential consequences using probability modeling.
  5. Use appropriate guidelines for this level of uncertainty with SAP tools.

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What is an example of certainty in decision-making?

Certainty implies a predictable future. Consider routine processes with known steps and outcomes. Reordering inventory is an example. Sales history and stock levels make this almost 100% predictable.


Decision making under uncertainty are ongoing business challenges. Integrating uncertainty into decision-making strategies is crucial for success.


By using data analytics, AI technology, and frameworks like DACI, leaders can make better decisions. This improves responsiveness to unexpected problems and builds resilience.


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Decision Making Uncertainty

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Lonnie D. Ayers, PMP

About the Author: Lonnie Ayers is a Hubspot Certified Inbound Marketing consultant, with additional certifications in Hubspot Content Optimization, Hubspot Contextual Marketing, and is a Hubspot Certified Partner. Specialized in demand generation and sales execution, especially in the SAP, Oracle and Microsoft Partner space, he has unique insight into the tough challenges Service Providers face with generating leads and closing sales using the latest digital tools. With 15 years of SAP Program Management experience, and dozens of complex sales engagements under his belt, he helps partners develop and communicate their unique sales proposition. Frequently sought as a public speaker in various events, he is available for both inhouse engagements and remote coaching.
Balanced Scorecard Consultant

He also recently released a book "How to Dominate Any Market - Turbocharging Your Digital Marketing and Sales Results", which is available on Amazon.

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