Break Even Consulting Rate Calculator
Please Tell Us Who You Are
To help you find your Break-Even Consulting Rate as well as the rate you must get in order to hit your personal profit goals, just follow the steps.
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Now Let's Talk About Where You Live
We need this information when we compare the new job to your existing situation.
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What Does It Cost To Run Your Household
You include this information because your current cost won't go away and therefore, have to be included in our calculation.
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Let's Get To Know Your Recruiter
We have an ever expanding database of recruiters and we know what their offers typically look like. We bake that into the computation to get you your best rate.
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Where's Your New Job?
Now we need to know where your new job is located is located and how long you expect it to last. If stated in the job description, use that number i.e., six months.
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What Type of Contract?
Now we need some critical pieces of information to classify the expenses into the right bucket.
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Let's Look At The New Job's Numbers
We're almost done collecting information. We've provided some defaults (based on decades of data we've personally collected) but you should put in your information if available.
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Final Review
Ok, we've got all we need to tell you what rate you make to take the job and have it make financial sense. When you hit submit, we'll run the numbers and provide you a complete business case on whether take the new job or keep your existing job. We'll also tell you how long you'll need to work to break even on the new job and how much you can expect to 'bank' if you take the new project.
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