SAP BW Consulting, Inc.

Consulting Calculator Interview - Summary of Inputs

Consulting Calculator Progress Bar 8.png

Please review and provide any missing information. There is sometimes a delay in the server, so double check that the information shown is correct. If not, correct it here.

When done, press the "Analyze Job P&L" button.

  • Last chance to get your numbers correct.

    Enter Zero 0 or actual in all numerical fields. Do not leave them blank. Leaving a field blank will result in NaN in the output results.

  • NaN: Leaving any field blank or not entering a number will result in NaN.

    NaN: Skipping any of the 7 input forms will also result in NaN in the output P&L statements. Start from form 1 and progress to form 8.

  • Putting it all together.

    Once you press the "Analyze P&L" button, you will get a job analysis similar to this customized to your unique job opportunity.

    Assessing job opportunity profit and loss with cash flow analysis